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Maria Kolby Sonstad, cello

Maria Kolby Sonstad, cello

When did you join the National Symphony Orchestra?

Beginning of May this year!

What do you enjoy most about being in the NSO?

Getting to do what I love every day, alongside great colleagues.

Where did you study?

The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus, DK with an exchange semester at the Royal Irish Academy of Music.

What made you decide to pursue a career in music?

I ended up quitting the cello after high school, but after several years of working in different fields I realized that getting to play music every day is actually pretty amazing.

Which work in the upcoming season are you most excited to perform? Why?

Mahler’s Ninth Symphony. It’s probably my favourite piece of music.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not playing with the orchestra?

Everything that includes nature and being active. I also enjoy a cup of tea while reading a good book.

If you weren’t a musician, what would you most like to be?

I used to be a personal trainer and did enjoy that quite a bit, so perhaps that.

What is your greatest achievement – either musical or general?

I would say getting a job with the NSO shortly after finishing my degree is high on my list at the moment.

What was the last book/podcast/TV series you really loved?

I just recently watched Friends for the first time, and can’t figure out why it took me so long. I loved it.

Do you have any secret talents?

I don’t know if this is a talent, but I did represent Norway in the European Championship in fitness and bodybuilding once. I can also do a pretty mean cartwheel!