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David Clark, first violin

David Clark, first violin
When did you join the National Symphony Orchestra?
Why did you choose to play your instrument?
My brother brought home a violin as he was starting in a Suzuki group at school. Anything he did, I wanted to do as well.
What is your favourite NSO story/memory?
Driving towards the Alps in the evening sunlight with my future wife (NSO viola) on the way to a concert in Innsbruck. First time I’d been in the Alps; I’d met her family for the first time in Germany before we set off on the drive. We stopped over in a mountain guest house, had a morning walk up to the snow level on the mountain track. Don’t remember much about the concert though!
What is the best piece of advice you ever received – either musical or general?
Find something My violin teacher told me read The Inner Game of Tennis. It discusses the importance of the mental aspect of performance under pressure, and also in the learning process.
What is your greatest achievement, musical or general?
I tried to be there for others when times were hard.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not playing with the orchestra?
Tennis. I’ll play any chance I get. I’m very much a late starter, so lots of room for improvement.
If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be, and why?
Willie Miller, former captain Aberdeen FC, to get the inside story of the glory days of Aberdeen in the 1980s.