Events and Tickets
Quavers to Quadratics
Quavers to Quadratics - Music & Science Workshops
Why are musical instruments made from different materials? Why are they all different shapes and sizes? What does a sound wave look like? Can sound really break glass?
Quavers to Quadratics is an innovative programme explores the intersection of the worlds of music and science through a series of hands-on workshops. This programme is available both online and in-person.
Quavers to Quadratics sees children (in 3rd - 5th classes) play with ideas that are common to music and science. Primary schools can now access a series of engaging online workshops along with in school workshops, workshops in the NCH and in the Gaeltacht which are led, and designed, by university science and music education students.
Experimentation and play inform each of the four Quavers to Quadratic workshops;
- Hearing Sound introduces the good vibrations that carry sound to our ears.
- Seeing Sound allows children to visualise many forms of sound-waves using scientific equipment. They are encouraged to ‘give it a go’ in their classrooms with whatever musical instruments they have available.
- Feeling Sound, sees the children explore why different instruments are made the way they are and their resulting ‘musical personalities’.
- Creating Sound asks the children to design, make and play their own musical instruments.
Presented by the National Concert Hall, University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin Schools of Education, and generously supported by Science Foundation Ireland and ESB.
With support from Science Foundation Ireland’s Discover Programme and ESB, Quavers to Quadratics offers children and their teachers across Ireland the opportunity to get involved through these workshops.
How does a school take part?
We have three versions of the programme you can choose from, so hopefully we have a perfect fit for you school!
Quavers to Quadratics in the NCH
This version of Quavers to Quadratics sees our team visit your school and then your class visiting us in the National Concert Hall. The ‘main event’ is a full-day of workshops at the NCH. As well as the day in the NCH, our facilitators will visit your school three times in total, split between before and after the workshops in the NCH. This version of the programme only runs in January and June.
Bookings for the June workshops will open to DEIS schools at 10am on 13th March 2024.
11th & 12th June will be delivered through Irish
13th, 14th, 17th - 21st June, will be delivered through English
Each day runs from 9.45am to 2pm
Idir Cheol agus Chearnaic: Ceardlanna Ceoil agus Eolaíochta
11 & 12 Meitheamh
Tá an clár seo dírithe ar a chur ar chumas páistí bunscoile an trasnáil idir ceol agus eolaíocht a fhiosrú. Treoróidh Áisitheoirí (mic léinn na hollscoile) na daltaí agus iad ag súgradh agus ag déanamh iniúchadh ar shnáitheanna éagsúla an chláir. Oibreoidh na háisitheoirí go díreach le múinteoir an ranga chun an clár a thabhairt.
Sonraí Áirithinte
Níl aon chostas ar an gclár seo, ach is gá le ticéad. Cuirfear an clár seo ar siúl do scoileanna DEIS ar dtús, agus moltar áiteanna a chur in áirithe go luath. Tabhair do d’aire go mbeidh ort uimhir rolla na scoile agus seoladh ríomhphoist an múinteoir ranga a bheith agat agus áirithint á dhéanamh.
Osclófar aon spásanna atá fágtha do scoileanna eile ag méan lae ar an 7 Bealtaine.
Booking details
You will be able to book you class by phone at +353 (0)1 417 0000, our call centre is open Monday – Friday 10am to 2pm. There is no charge for a DEIS school to participate in these workshops, early booking is advised.
Any remaining spaces will be opened to non-DEIS schools after 7th May 2024.
Quavers to Quadratics Online
The online programme uses SeeSaw. Before you begin, we’ll arrange a brief zoom call between you (the teacher) and the Quavers to Quadratics team. In this session we will answer any question you have about the programme, and explain how it works. Over the course of four weeks, we will share videos, activities and supporting materials with you for your class, once you have worked through the four modules, we will arrange either a zoom call or for our facilitators to visit your classroom to answer any questions your students have and to see how they got on with the materials provided.
Applications are now open for this option, please note there are limited places available here.
Quavers to Quadratics in your school
This programme is led by a pair of facilitators, who will work with you in your classroom over three days. Together, you will teach two 1 hour long workshops a day – these can either be consecutive days or held weekly on a particular day. Workshops are designed to be one hour, so as fit within schools’ regular break/lunch hours. The programme will be taught to a class group of max. 30 students at a time.
Applications are now open for this option, please note there are limited places available here.
Please do not hesitate to email us at if you have any queries about the programme. There is no charge for a DEIS school to participate in these workshop.