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NSO: Haydn The Creation

NSO: Haydn The Creation

NSO Season

NSO: Haydn The Creation

National Symphony Orchestra
Peter Whelan conductor 
Anna Devin soprano
Laurence Kilsby tenor
William Thomas bass
National Symphony Chorus
David Young choral director

Haydn The Creation 

Nature at its beginning. A compelling and dramatic choral masterpiece relating the Biblical story of the making of the world. Orchestra, soloists and chorus combine in one of the most astounding declarations of faith and joy in the natural world. Celebration and wonder abound, as do dazzling depictions of the creation of light, the land and seas, birdlife, animals, and ultimately, man and woman.

Did you know?

The oratorio emerged in the early 17th century as a large-scale sacred work intended for concert performance separate from liturgical or theatrical settings. 

Mozart memorably said of his friend: ‘Haydn alone has the secret both of making me smile and of touching my innermost soul’. 

First performed in 1799, The Creation was immediately regarded as a masterpiece and performed throughout Europe.

The three soloists represent the Archangels Gabriel (soprano), Uriel (tenor), and Raphael (bass), the chorus taking the role of angels.

Part Three sees the bass and soprano adopting the roles of Adam and Eve, newly exultant at the beauty and wonder of God’s newly created world.

The Creation was inspired by the oratorios of Handel encountered on Haydn’s visits to London.

Suspicious of its joyful ‘secularity’, the Catholic church banned The Creation from being performed in places of worship.

Listen out for…

The mysterious chromatic harmonies of the introduction representing the chaos of the cosmos before the creation of the world.

The explosive depiction of the creation of light that bursts over the first chorus.

The evoking of animal and bird life in Part II: trombones and contrabassoon the weighty footsteps of hoofed beasts; blaring brass for the roaring lion; jittery trembling strings insects taking flight; woodwinds variously portraying creatures of the air.

The exultant final chorus that offers up a glowing song of praise.

Presented by NCH

Book Now
Friday 23 May 2025
Main Stage
€15, €26.50, €33, €39, €45

Discount Multi-Buy Packages Available Here

50% discount for Person(s) with Disability and Carers/Companions

Pre-Concert Talk: 6.15pm – 7pm

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